Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 296, 24 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Th»re is 9omelhing touchinic in rrading the (jditi>ri;il nrticles in the Star aod the Adverti»er, in whieh the two papen* try l** convince their read*-n» and them9e!vc8 lhat «te U •>il»«l Sl.it>-» nill take no In'eU t>' the elam: of the Queen that ehe »a» dej*oaed throngh the active inetruioenta!ity of the uan who »cted in the nanie of tbe United Statea of Arocr:ca. The iwo organs and lheir few 9U|>|*orter9 are bojw ing aeaiat hope. They roav uuh* h»h b>*fo9 TTp.»rt» of «hat trana}>irrd het«eeo B!ount aud the Qucen, they m»y uae ail their type and all tbeir ink f»r ihe purpeae ut d«c!aring lbat tbe Uuited euna»! rr*t>*re Hawaīiana afi4irs to th« q*/o: tbey iuay wnte uniil lhey be*teve n thero»elves, that the pre»ent goreroment auita the paople at large .ln apue of all the»r harking and wr;Ung. aod a °d whioiog the ioevitabia
I will happen. and j»opular g«vem- ! [oenl id e»t g<veronient scc <rdmg to tne will nl the Hawaiian people ! tvill be ts{jibli9hrd in llawaii and wiil be isl >b!ished under the aeg:s \ ! t >f ll:“ United St»tes. The United St »tes e-m and will el» ai»ything is ja?t and | r ght, and the screams of the Sl>read-e:'glers, and the j:ngoists ! will not stop an Ameriean admi1 nistration fr»ra undoiug a wrong ; and amendmg an outrage eom- ! rmtteil in the naiue of tbe greal r<*ptiblican. It is a consolatiou f<*r the Hawaiian insurgents to lull lhemselvts to rest wiih falte hopes of secarity, let tbem du it—the awake <ing trom their roeeate drenms will be rough and will take plaee speediTy. Tue Unitrd Stntes conld nrver for a moment B»nctlon the p:ruticai act committed in Hawaii by an imheeile and half crazy official of the Federal government and the disavowment of his blunder must be euipbasized so 8trongIy and so distiuct!y that there w.ll be no future temptation f<>r some other mentally disturbed ambitious would bs diplomat to sully the name »>f Amerfca by playihg the part of a thief, conspirator, and gc<jundrel. For the suke of justice —justice to thernselres as well as to liawaii, the United Stutes hr.ve dec;ded that the Queen and her Covernment must be restoretl and neith»r ihe Stnr n»»r the Advertiser nor any of the hired annexutton orgHiis in the Stutes ean st»p the l’«8ideut of the Uuited States on his righteous path.