Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 2 March 1893 — CORESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
( We do not hold ourselves responsible for the utterances of our correspondents.) A DAUGHTER'S LETTER TO HER MOTHER OR A GREETING FROM KAWAIAHAO TO THE CENTRAL UNION: EDITOR HOLOMUA: It is time that the slurs now being sown broadcast, far and wide, and even at home here, by certain writers, mostly of the missionary stamp, be returned to the source from whence they came. These mongrel writers have of late been very abusive, and to even allow their epiihets to go unanswered would be to admit what they have stated as truths. A lie unanswered goes as the truth to all who hear or read it. And during the present state of affairs there has been “neither let nor hindrance " of the unsavoury false-
hoods from self-alleged friends of a down-trodden people, far worse, as they say, than the savage Alaskans. Of this class of writers, and most prominent is the Right and Most Holy Reverend Sereno E. Bishop, a missionary's son, born on Hawaiian soil, who accidentally by birth became a Hawaiian, but still remains a mongreI. This gray headed son of —an American missionary was reared and brought up by the people that he now sees fit to abuse, some of whom, he says, are eager to see the flag of a greater country fly over them, so as to save them from idolatry. This is a lie, for it is a lie, and thou art a liar! I defy you to name any, unless it be some of your own ilk and possibly some numbskull hirelings. Hawaiians are satisfied to be Hawaiians and to have the flag of their country float over them, if God is willing. You are a disloyaI son of Hawaii, not even fit to become a “piece and parcel" of the American Republic, for you are unworthy. This same distempered and accidental Hawaiian has seen fit to vilify and abuse Her Majesty, his and my Queen, in the grossest lie, and he knows it too, that ever was penned by a saint or sinner, which I, as Her Majesty’s faithful subject, herewith resent as being most malignant and untruthful. No one is more charitably inclined than Her Majesty, let alone this hoary saint who is too mean to see a twenty-five cent piece slip through his fingers for charity’s sake. No one is more competent to be a witness than this same saint as to what Her Majesty has been striving—and is striving—for the good of her people. Look to tha number of Hawaiian girls being educated at Her private expense, and at the expense of a native institution bearing her name, in the Kawaiahao Female Seminary, and at other scholastic institutions of the country. See to the handsome amount invested by Her Majesty in the Oahu Railway & Land Company for the benefit of the Liliuokalani Educational Society, the interest from which is expended in paying for scholarships to sustain some of your missionary institutions. Is this the doings of an idolater? Surely not. This is Christianty wrought in the spirit of the Master; but not in that of your master, and the rest of your ilk, Mammon! (and the two cent bounty on sugar). When you called the Queen “a miserable woman,” you forgot yourself by not calling yourself "a miserable falsifier of the truth. Go to, thou son of —a missionary, and lie no more, thou and Holy Joe Emerson, including Thurston, and the rest of those who are also direct lineal descendants of those selfsame missionaries who taught Hawaiians to abhor idolatrous practices and to worship the only true and living God. It seems, by hoary Sereno’s own admission, the missionaries have been unable to stamp out idolatry, for the major portion of the native Hawaiian people have deserted them, and are now become worthy members of a worthy Christian denomination, the Romish Church, which they arduosly taught the natives to abhor as being idolaters. Such is the fruit of missionary labour and zeal, for that which they taught others to abhor have been accepted by those whom they had taught as being the most worthy to be received, and that entirely owing to the difference between the practice of the teachers of the two faith—tbe one practicing as well as preaching—the other preaching God but practising worldly interests. Herewith, I exclaim,‘‘It's a foul bird that spoils its own nest.” Sans adieu. Excuse me for infringing on your spaee. and allow me to subscribe myself as a LOYAL NATIVE