Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 20 December 1892 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The ap{>ro|>nation blll ha>- nearly j>a!->ol ii' third reatline, *nd there - ' " eomii l<> i close bel<>r*i ihe end of this> year. Tii»-re fire a largenuaiber of bills, eoini u-ei’u! .11,<1 ‘ome otherw:?e, whieh are yel in the hand- of eomniitt >—, and tht-se shou!d be -tirred up t • report «ritboat further delay. Tli>’ >;welliiig "f -eolion 2 is a time-h‘>iu>red * ustom, an«l does no hann, as the Cabinet ne"d m>t take *ny regard to the aj>j>r >priation in that section, while t;ie eon•tituents feel j>lea6ed to see all their new roa»la and br:dg- s on {>aj>er at least. Nawahi was elected yesterday in Hilo and will arrive here by the firs: opj»>rtunity and take his seat. It i* expected that hi? first action will be to interrogite the Mmisters in regard to what action they have ( taken in re Inspectors of Llection in Hilo. Sonie regulutions shonld be made in regard to ihe hiring out of eaddle horses and carriages. It is well known that all sailors are very fond of indulging in horse-back-riding and nob>>dy will grudge them tbe p!easur«i whieh they derive from it, but when other jKH)4>le’s safety and comfort is interfered with by the reckless aiul heedless ri>ling and driving it is time that something should be done to eheek it. We have a law against furious driving aod riding, but who will enforce it ? The number of j>olice to whieh the f>»rce is now reduced through the advice of Mongoose —Jo* ’s committee does not allow of auy patrolmen l>eing stationed outside tl»e ceiiter of the town. and it is when the jolly Jack-tar gets out on the plaina lhat he puts his heel? in the side of his stetnl and makcs the mare go. It is a surprise that no accidents have happened. Yesterday afterno»>n, King StrtH’t. towards Waikiki, was swarming with sailors from the nien of wur, some on horstback and some in buggies and all evidently in a state of bliss It w«is jusl at the hour when many private carriages are tr»vellng over the road driven by the ladies, and it t<>ok all ihe skill «>f the b*‘st *lrivers in Honolulu t«* •leer clear of the h>>rses whieh. owing t<> their irn‘Sj>«>n3ibie rid rs •eeine»! to have taken puss>ssion <>f the road. Such things w<*u1d d > very well iu some out <>f the w..v plaee beyond the paie «f civil z • tion, and it is evident Uiat the meo-of-ware-men o*nsider th s s •ueh, but we do n*>t believv th t thi* community, s<* |>n>ud <>f its advanced st..nding. sh<>uid t >ler<t»a sUte »>f aff*irs whieh might reault in br»ken necks or oarru g s and whieh makes our n>ads bideous and danger.>us. Tbe only remedy is to demand a bond from everyb«jdy who has a lieeoae t»> hire horsesand carriages, aod make that bond liahle for damages caused hy ndera lo whom the horses are hired. 3uch a
measure would tend to make the Chin.-3e l;veryman a greal deal more careful in hiring hia h >wes t.. irrer -'!<- e and int xicated men than he is now, and it woul l er.-ure -ome guarantee to the puhlie thit the main roads of H a >lulu are n >t lae gr >unds f>r an unlimited circua. Oily Bill says that his heart near!y broKe when he re d in the HoioMi A. th.it ihe s >ld.ers were to l>e deprived of lheir nether girment3,80 he asked y> sterday t>r an aju>r >j>r:at."ii to turn:?h theni with 3<>me l<H-d at least. I*he cruel-hearUii L*g slature eoukl not -,e ihe necessity of the item and i slaughter d it without mercy -<> j now S;»m - galiant tr<x>j>- will lia\e < t > fight in the future without fin>d as well as without clothes. We have a law on our statutes relating to coroner 5 s inquests whieh is strongly in nee«l <>f being amended. 1 lie law in question does not provide for any eompen3ati«>n for the servicea of jurors, and ne should certainly n<>t eonsider it wrong or ni.>re than simj>le justice to have provision made whieh w«»uld enahle the Government to pay for the services wh*ch it enacts froiu its citizeiis. \Vithout further notice any man may l>e taken away at any hour during the day frotn his business to serve as a juror on the far from agreeable task of *‘sitting ou a Ikh1v.’’ T<> refuse is punishable by a tine, but on the other side to comply may eompel a man to spend sometimes as mueh as two days in Oeglectmg his wora and all for no compensation. 0f course we admit that owing to the courtesy of the j*resent corroner regird, .when possible, is always t;»ken in considering the amount of biisiness of. and ineonvenience t > a jur<*r aiul an txeuse will be allowed, but as the law stands the o>rouer has the right to talie any man frora his desk. or counter. or anvil on a minute’s notice. Jurors s*rving on cases for trial before the c«mrts ar3 n«*tified m g.hhI time »>f the demand f<>r their serv>ces. and are thereby enabled to niane arr.iiigements necessary for their busniess. and, besides thai, they are paidfbreach day’s service, and f>r eaeh verdiot. It would only be eommon just>’ce that o»>roner's j>iri« s were tre*ted as far as p<>ssib«e ui the s*me manner. F*>r every m <nth in the year a nuiiiher <>f n >*m-s c<*uld b“ drawn md t <e j»-rs» s ii«>tifted that in ese ;«nythi g won«d happen duri. g s e v\hchw» ld de *« . d t«e s rvices >>f h C<>r<>r’s j ry. t > y w*MiId be c-*llēd u p I der s oh system the d l< s v<> d b - d.vide*l between a ii niiber f et z s io9le:»d ><f hs now t«e s<* •ei d beii<g geiierally t se wh<» h >ve the g<H*d or btd frt me t > *ive neir the P<»lice 3t tu»ii. What » v.<8t field of c*njecture* opeiie up f.<r the bniliant wits *nd inte leot uf the opium calchere m the Cust»m House and the detective bureau, —by the fact that the b*rk Bylgic waa n»>t tbat bark, but anotber one whieh evidfcDtly has been studying the f«>rmation 11 of Molokai since laat S*turday.
The attraction of that island rnii't have been areat whhin the Ia«t few day 3> b<- ause the >teamer Walmmnalo whieh due here without ūil on Saturday hus aiso heen studying the ! >rmation of Molokai. ānd h..s uot returnevl to port. We ex{*eet a perfect exodus for Molokai by all the Amaleun» for the purpoee of studying ?eology. Tiie reverei.d amu x tioni-t S- - re o B -'io; w i' the onlv pre&cher ... -t :i_ r :;i ths dedication of Kswmahao Cuurch hfty years agowho v\: pr> seut l i-t Sunday at the memonal nemeo held in eommemor.ition ol the unni\ersar\. If t '•!♦• -i>:rits of the byg me chiefs ! were li vering around the eonirregat")ii oii that n:ght what uiu-l have been lh»-ir teeliiig?, aud what thoughts must they have conjured up in the heart of that man who. hfty years ag \ stoo«l in tiieir build•i■ u. resjiected and tni5teil as a loyaI and upright Hawaiian, and now by hie own words standa eondemiud as a Judis to the land of his birth, whieh he is ready to sell f>r a h.Kim in house lots or sunspots. 0 The fi>under’s day at Kamehameha Sohool is of ao exclusive a stamp that the eomiuon herd is not allowe»! inside the gites to listen to the polilieal braying of the principal ass or the sanctimonious bellowing of the wellgroomed North Paeihe hulloek. The professor imported for the occasion frotn Punahou had a great deal to say about b\vs not nlaying too mueh —a statement whieh is rather surprising, coming from the leader of a eehool whieh gives it pupils (and teac-\iersj about six months vacation every year. His remarks ab >ut what ean be saved in money by not smoklng or dnnking remind us of the old chestnut stuJy where A (who does nol smoke and drink) tells B (who doesi that if he had saved the money whieh he, in his life, has used for tobacco ami liqoor, he wou!d be the '»wner of a $10,000 mansion, to «vhich B. laconically replies: ‘*And where is your house?” The loyal citizens of Lahaina —§lightiy under inspiration—gave the Chief Justice a hookupu as a sigu «f their feelings 5n regard to his ceasirg to visit them in the future in his capacity of Judge. Our corresnondent does not say if they were feelings of joy or regret. The “Advertiser” this morning finds »ccasion for one of its usual eow .rdly attacks on the Marshal. We wonder when that paper will eitht-r g**l as weary «s its readersare of th*S" att <cks or eome out pome day and s ibstantiate its altogether persona'iy malicious and lying ms nmtioas and assertions.