Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 20, 1 February 1890 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Views of the British Press. TUc K &"i«al lo tlto~e of tU-* n.fi.»vui tui4n.-e she of «ome von* r< , State^.—[ Hi!' Ins;ti-&»«>e'' SV«vi.l ot Lnminn. - Tlie Et|uiUb'c Life Assuranec Society h a I( U i»nic|ue in iU po-iuoi) :n(d iuurveloui ii> iU iecor.l. It oee-upie» Uif higiieat plaee amoi»g kiniW.l iuāLiluUoua.—[iue, Irbb lusurancc aa.l Kinaooiai Jo!»rnal. , lt ii no use dbguUing the fact tbat ti»e EqailahSe hoKh a rem.arkahle jK>«tion amofig the r>iiuranc.e of the \Voi ld. 11. a huwr hmiM*sh, n»>i.is a.iargej-«»i>r{j|iijs an»l gtvps a betu»r eontract than iuiy ntber r or»pujiv. —ff-t*arniiiwlo« Sj»a Courier. -«i—— <I—■ ■ WUh tbe pitiful sr3teiii of stat« iu Geru>any Cf>mpM«> what is ilone h}* soint' of Uik g}eat prjval« As*nraucfc Oumpanii-i, liy the of thorn aii, fnr mslance, Hu! K.juitabh: Life Asduranei- s .. iel> of lii* L"nit*«.l . Stati"3.- -fDulilin Lyceuin. The lar»Mt of Amer|can Life aQil therefore the largeHt in ti.e World h L!f6 As-itiratice S ieie{y of the U. S.~f Pairi>iav of Lon»lou. The oOloe lhat dbnc the ino*t in promoting safe aini lib>>ra! Lif«* Imnianoi l is t!ic E iuiH'iio Life A«urance S >eieLv of the U. S. — {"Liinl jo Sncī.-!y. ' . " . 1 3— —; liiHint'ig;,i« .. i75,(Ktf»,(KM> 0.; .Im-ome for 1 . ,8(> r o00,00i) fti; Kurj>lus .. .2?,/>OO,OOO OīT ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT 9 Genera! Agent for the Hawaiian Islantls, EquHahle Liie .Societv of thc V. S. " 6rand Fire Works Exhitiition Differ£rit Co!ors ! Best Quality I ct?o I>d»igrr From Ki* *.) —i . .i - . o — -: . | On Saturday Eyening, February 1,1890, | AT ī OTI,(V , K„THERE WIIT, BK{IIVO OS THE New Market Ground, Esplanade, Th* fīrjr..f '-t Kxhiliitioii o\ FIRF WOEKS. nī Diftereut C.ik«is uiul e.ver neen in thi.«-Kn>f((lo!ii. Thc E.*hii hihon will r»r Piet; s i De«Cīib*mg Bat(le 3e£y|So, Bir<is 4 Aaiiiiil*, &0., Bfc„ ali Ht>iag Moat 2faitur»l Sc Tietus«»naa nfi HIM HAWAHAN BAHO VIII !l3 iB — o—^ PRICfc« of Al)jIfHSr()X: ; 50 *};tH»*ry i ... .25 IVnt.-«. . m- TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED AT TH£ DOOH. . I>r .']ien at oV-l.irk-. Kxhiliitiou to (*'>ii|riK-ne<- af 7 u'clix fc aml ttrn»inat** at 11> n'cl.*Ss. % 4fi6 3t ; * l«OOR BING l?Q f Facific Hardwarc Uo., L'd, BardiaK, %icaltara! Implemests„ Houie Gaods, — : A AEW ixvoice OF Glassware & Cutfery, Just at Haid; Q.i:V4uiz'*il \Virc, BJack Stcol Fpnce Wiw, . Ga!>aniz*ji Staplefi, Slftj>le( 4 ,,Si»ccial Quality Fence Staple,-i, h JTEW 600DS \—-m' *r—HĒW GooB£ ! . In lale arrivals. A«jenls fov Rnbl>er Gar(leu Hose t Wirēußountl Hose, Steam .Host', OF VKRV 8fl»ER!0R qI"4UTV. ' ' PA<ilFiC HARPWARE CO., (L'D') f B. F. T>ītirMOffAMj J. G. Sfescek, F. L. Wi.s*Tfiß; jan-6-90 ' President. Managsr & fiecietaty. Trea^urer. CABTIi: & ('OOKK, » -i ' - .• ' • . . --r— BfPOK i>K», --- - .. Shipping & Cpmmission Merc.hanls, PLANt I A>TfOX & IXSL RANCE AQEXT3, , " | y-T>I!AĪ.EB!? f\* HaiMm' aad 'fieaeral Bardware t AgrMard! lapleoiaal?, PIA.\TitTI(>N HUI'PI.IIW, ;. I ' 1 - - ' . C«rpf»nti l rK ī ; : TBl:irkftmjllip' , J M.if*l]ini-t-' & Pltimh<>r.-i' T0..1-», HOUSE FURNTSMING GOODS ! , ■ -I =■ \ . Kit<*h?H l'iensil.-», P.tints, Otls, Lamp GV>ri>l-; aud ! ■.■!.. - I - ■■ ■; - - ': ■ ! OenemiMeivlia!i(lke. . i. : .' i ■ -■ - ■ i - ■ ' " " ■ BlitB's Steiffl Pafflps ( Wes{oß's * * - Mm $ 6ib!is, ā Reffitsgtoa Seiiai Miaia3s ( ! Bf. S«IS P4ffliijf M«3IClMf f ; K j J*n-3fio '- -