Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 14, 25 January 1890 — HIS NAME IS MUD. [ARTICLE]
Tb tke SMitor q/* tkt Noti<mal Herald; Dkak 8» :—I wish yon to allow me to refer in * ftw W(vrds to the īuan qualised by th« &boY« he*d liae» th» leading orator of tbe so-called reionn party at their meeticg held at the Armory last Monday eYeniug, viz.: Mr. Wm. C. Wilder. T)m tUthy, "i&ud slingwg" and Qi>gentlemanly Tillification whioh charaotdriced his apeeeh—whieh did not hare even the extenuating featnre of being aa extemporaneous oiit burHt—has hurdly •▼«r beeu exoelled in Araericn or elaewhere. But that hia ynlgar diatribe wns intertarded with freqnent by a presuuiably iutelligent and respectable andience—in fact the elile of the re form party—is a disgrace to the citizeuā of Honoiulu and a shameful parody on the word "reform." Who is Mr. Wiklei- that he dares thus to sit in judgment on his felloW'men? if his aharacter ia to be judged by hi« speech, he is unfit for the high poaiiion of a Noble of this Kingdom to whieh he aspires; and it is a reasouable presumptiou that but for the afttueuce lie has acquired through his brother's indomititble energj', he wouldstillbe working for less wages tb»m our dock laborers get. His attack upon the personality of every caudidate of the National Refoim party—as the utteranee of his own rude and untutored self, would be unworthy of further thought or notice; but coming from au acknowledged aud rospected (!) leader of x party whieh claims to l»e the only clique tliat knows liow to behave themselves āiid how to conduct Hawaiiau affaire, it calls for thia behavior it will be iar better for the whole eommunity, that this clique be utterly cmshed and annihilute<l. Whatever may be tbd politics, the public want as thc elect of the people, gentlomeu. Kamaaīna.